Directory Services Setup (version 17+)

You need to go to KAMAR and go to:

Setup -> Server -> Directory Services and press ‘New Service’ and ‘Other’

Set it up as per the settings below:

Name: assay3

Address: the same as you are given to access with /json.php at the end and no https:// at the front

    eg: (if hosting yourself change to the link where you are hosting with /json.php at the end, if hosting with me then the url you were sent with json.php at the end. Note: please type this in rather than pasting it in, as pasting it in can cause issues with extra characters coming in.

Use SSL: is ticked

Bypass Proxy: will depend on your server settings

Port and Timeout can be left at default

Data Format: JSON

Username: must be blank

Password: what you have been sent (or set up in the config if hosting yourself) eg: sldf7aods8fbya (this is sometimes referred to as “authentication”)

This should look like this:

Press the Check and Enable Button

This should give you a screen that looks like this:

You will then need to change a few settings…

Tick the Checkbox next to the Photos under students and click Include Photos -> Send All and press OK

You also need to change the Teams / Groups to “All Groups”

And the Subjects to “All” for both Students and Staff.

This should give you a screen that looks like this:

Then press the ‘Send Full Update’ button to send a full update.



You will now need to wait for the directory services to complete its first full run.

You can monitor the status in the ‘Daily/Update’ tab (up the top) and it will show progress down the bottom of that tab (under events)


You can then go back to your assay page eg:

Note: you will need to change “demo” in the URL with the link given to you when setting up (or the link on your own server if you are hosting it yourself)


It will present you with a login screen…

Note 1: it won’t let you login if you come back too soon.

Note 2: it will take a while to load the login page the first time you load it as it is processing all the info and the photos which can take some time.

Note: the first user to log in will become an admin user, and anyone tagged as ‘Management’ in KAMAR will also become an admin user.


From here you will want to